Thursday, December 17, 2015


The very first Canadian horror film FINALLY makes it to Blu-ray.

This is a unique film and has been neglected by a lot of horror fans. A man who is in possession of a very strange mask finds himself compelled to kill, and after visiting his psychiatrist commits suicide.

The police are called to the scene and they in turn talk to the doctor who really cannot help them. After the police leave the doctor realizes that he has been mailed the mask by the man before who killed himself. Out of personal curiosity the doctor tries on the mask and sees visions straight out of hell.

Paul Stevens is very good as the doctor who becomes addicted to the powers of the mask during the course of the film. What makes this film a standout is that every time he puts the Mask on, the film goes to very bizarre scenes of Hell and they are in 3-D. These effects are excellent and handled by Slavko Vorkapich.

This disc is in 3-D for those with capable TV sets and the required glasses. On the extras menu you can access the 3-D scenes in anaglyph and watch them with regular 3-D glasses, if you have them. I have them and the scenes are extremely well done.

One of the top releases of the year!! PUT THE MASK ON NOW!!!!

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