Saturday, February 20, 2016


Always one of my favorites.

Dick Miller stars as Walter Paisley, a talent-less waiter who accidentally kills a cat and then covers it in plaster. He takes it to work, which is a coffee shop inhabited by beatniks who tell him he is an artist.

This leads to Walter accidentally killing a policeman who follows him home one night after a patron gives Walter some heroine, of which he has no idea what it is. Things get out of control as Walter is highly praised, but must come up with ways to keep the spotlight on him.

This is one of the three Roger Corman directed comedy/horror films which are the stuff of legend. The others are "Little Shop Of Horrors" and "Creature From The Haunted Sea".

I haven't watched this for a long time and since I did I figured I'd just do a small write up on here as well. Most of you have probably seen this and appreciate it for what it is. One of the best films Corman ever made.

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