Friday, February 12, 2016


Life is keeping me very busy at the moment and I haven't had time to do a lot of reviews.

I will be getting back to reviews shortly and I apologize for not having many. I just wanted to let you also know that Mondo Macabro is releasing the long thought lost Jose Larraz film "SYMPTOMS". It has no release date as of yet.

Arrow will be releasing the definitive version of the Jack Hill film "BLOOD BATH". It will feature all four various versions and this promises to be a real treat. Street date is May 31 for this gem. On May 24 Arrow will bring us "KILLER DAMES: TWO GOTHIS CHILLERS BY EMILIO MIRAGLIA" which will include THE RED QUEEN KILLS SEVEN TIMES and NIGHT EVELYN CAME OUT OF THE GRAVE.

Both of these are very welcome on Blu-ray.

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