Wednesday, February 3, 2016


What a great film noir!!

A young man has an accident while fishing and arrives in a small town only to be met with hostility and suspicion. He goes to the doctor and has a few stitches in his head and notices that the doctor is somewhat tight-lipped about everything.

He takes a liking to the doctors sister and he gets a room at a small boarding house. After finding out that the fish in the lake have been killed by a mysterious disease he decides to stay in town and write an article for a magazine about the small town.

That is when things really start to go down hill and he soon finds himself in "protective custody", as he puts it. It seems that this small town in Minnesota has been taken over the Nazi-Communists and they are working on taking over America via germ warfare by introducing germs into our water supply.

Elliot Reed is the star an he does a very good job as Matt Corbin, the young man who finds a story so big it might cost him his life. Raymond Burr, Edgar Barrier, Lurene Tuttle, Carla Balenda, Lewis Martin and Otto Waldis round out a great cast.

I cannot recommend this film enough. It is top notch film noir, but also has a great sci-fi edge that is somewhat still timely to this day. This needs a Blu-ray release.

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