Wednesday, April 6, 2016


The final film for star Steve Cochran.

Cochran plays Brad Webster an out of work pilot that is railroaded by the police to travel to Mozambique and infiltrate a ring of drug smugglers, kidnappers and murderers.

On his trip he meets a stunningly beautiful singer named Christina (gorgeous Vivi Bach) and they fall for each other. Brad finds himself getting deeper and deeper into the drug smuggling operation headed by a no nonsense man named called Da Silva, played to the hilt by Martin Benson (Cosmic Monsters).

Brad soon finds himself looking for Christina who has been kidnapped by an Arab in exchange for drugs!

Produced by Harry Alan Towers, this little gem moves along at a good pace and I found myself really wrapped into the story. Towers gorgeous wife Maria Rohm makes a couple of uncredited appearances. If you like 60's spy films, especially the Euro ones, this will probably do you just fine.

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