Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Another top notch Randolph Scott western.

If you like good old fashioned westerns, this is one that couldn't be better.

Randolph Scott stars as Steve Upton, a sheriff who is trying to break the case of numerous bank robberies. He runs into Cheyenne Rogers played by Glenn Ford, who is, at first very willing to help a gang rob banks or stampede cattle.Slowly he changes his mind when he finds that he really can settle down into a regular life.

This was Columbia Studio's first color feature and it still impresses today. Claire Trevor is the saloon gal in love with Cheyenne and Evelyn Keyes is Allison, who falls in love with Upton.

There is plenty of action and the story really pulls you in. The fine supporting cast includes Edgar Buchanan, Porter Hall, Glenn Strange, and Guinn "Bog Boy" Williams as Nitro.

There is no way a western fan can not like this film. Recommended!!

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