Friday, April 29, 2016


A rare film from William Grefe.

Christopher George, Roberta Collins, Preston Pierce and Linda Borgeson are for people who decide to go looking for a hidden treasure of Muskets left by one of their grandfathers. They quickly find out that all is not what it is supposed to be.

They stop in a small town are and met with hostility and told that a place called Whiskey Mountain doesn't even exist. John Davis Chandler is very good as Rudy, a man who has stashed a huge amount of pot inside some of the caves the four people want to look it.

Needless to say, they stumble upon the pot and all hell breaks loose. They are taken captive, the women are raped and the men finally escape and head to town. Both men, when in town find a very uncooperative Sheriff, so they steal some guns and head into the mountains again to rescue their wives.

A bloody shoot out and a very downbeat ending cap off this wonderful film from William Grefe. I had seen this film years ago but the quality was horrendous so it is very nice to see Ballyhoo release a very watchable print as an extra on their excellent two disc set entitled "They Came From The Swamp: The Films Of William Grefe".

Highly recommended for any Grefe fan or action fan in general.

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