Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Revisiting a Mexican classic.

I reviewed this a couple of years ago and watched it again recently. My opinion hasn't changed about this movie at all. I still love it.

Gorgeous Maura Monti is a young woman who is actually a crime fighter called "The Batwoman" in this very fun Mexican film. She finds herself battling a mad scientist working from a ship called "Reptilicus".

What is he working on you may ask? Well he is trying to create underwater monsters from people he has his assistant kidnap. He succeeds, but is caught by the Batwoman and has his face scarred with acid which sets him on a path of revenge against the beautiful crime fighter.

The film isn't dubbed into English, but you won't need it to figure out what is happening. The colors of this film are plush and it is always good to see Monti in a bikini. Directed by Rene Cardona, this 1968 horror outing should please any fan of the genre.

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