Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Ray Danton stars in this highly entertaining spy film.

Danton is Bryan Cooper a retired agent named Super Dragon that comes out of retirement after a series of mysterious murders in Michigan.

He soon finds himself in Amsterdam uncovering an insidious plot involving a new drug. The drug is being put in chewing gum and those that use it are affected with violence. it is also discovered that the drug will be smuggled into the US in phony Ming vases. Gorgeous Margaret Lee is also a spy and working with him. Her introduction at the beginning of the movie is unforgettable, at least for me.

Also on hand is Marisa Mell as a woman named Charity Farel who might be helping our agent. This is a fun little film and anyone into 60's spy films should enjoy it.

The film has loads of weird chatacters, action, beautiful woman and Danton handles it all in style. The print from Sinister is good and very watchable.

Check it out!

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