Tuesday, April 18, 2017


One of my all time favorite films from the 70's and thanks to Shout, has finally made it to Blu-ray.

Gorgeous Anitra Ford stars in this wonderful little film about mysterious deaths in a small California town called Peckham.

It seems men are dropping like flies from sexual exhaustion and the local authorities are baffled. The local police are led by Capt. Peters (Cliff Osmond) who receives some help from the Government because some of the deaths involve men working at a super secret plant outside of town.

Agent Neil Agar (William Smith) is sent in and it is soon discovered that some of the women at the facility, due to experimentation have turned into bees. Anitra Ford is Dr. Susan Harris who is actually the leader of the Bee Girls.

Sexy Victoria Vetri is Julie Zorn, and she becomes Agar's best friend and helper in the investigation.

This film is fun from start to finish and offers the viewer everything they could want. There is action, nudity, hilarious dialogue and some very interesting special effects.

The Blu-ray presentation is gorgeous and it is the most complete print ever made available. EVERYONE should have this film in their collection. One of the top releases of the year.

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