Sunday, April 9, 2017


I have written about this movie a couple of times on this blog, and it has finally reached Blu-ray.

A family gets trapped in a small town after they arrive to report a devastating accident they see along the side of the road.

L.Q. Jones if the sheriff and Alvy Moore is his deputy. These two produced and came up with the idea for the movie. Strother Martin is the kindly doctor who is also trying to find out where many missing children have gone to.

It turns out that Martin also leads a devil cult of elderly people using the children's bodies as sacrifices to Satan to gain eternal life.

This is one of the best 70's terror films I have ever seen, and it really knocked my socks off back in the day. It still does as a matter of fact. The Blu-ray presentation is excellent from Mill Creek. It is included on a set called Psycho Circus along with two other movies to be reviewed here shortly.

I really recommend this film as I have said in previous reviews of it.

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