Saturday, June 10, 2017


The classic sci-fi film from 1967 gets a Blu-ray release from Universal.

Francois Truffaut directed this thought provoking film from the novel of the same name by Ray Bradbury.

The story takes place in an oppressive future society where books are banned. There is a group of firemen who are called out to set fire to any books found. Oskar Werner stars as Montag, a fireman who is bored with his life after he meets a very friendly woman named Clarisse (Julie Christie).

She looks amazingly like his wife, also played by Christie, whom he is bored with. She is a conformist and sits around all day watching mindless junk on a huge flat screen TV.

Soon Montag begins collecting books and tries to catch up with a forbidden past. His wife is fed up and she actually turns him in and soon he is on the run.

Anton Differing has an excellent role as Fabian, a fellow fireman who does not like Montag and will do anything to see him fall.

Of course the book was better than the film, but this is still a very good movie and still very timely today as our society has become partly like this and getting worse all the time. I actually know people who would rather watch a big screen TV full of stupid people than read a good book.

I am sure most of the people reading this have seen the film, but it looks fantastic on Blu-ray and comes highly recommended!!

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