Friday, September 29, 2017


Fine example of classic film noir.

Broderick Crawford stars as the editor of an exploitation paper that is good at printing sensational junk.

At a paper sponsored dance he meets his ex wife whom he divorced and abandoned. She threatens to expose him and later that night he kills her.

His young protege, Steve McCleary (Jon Hall) is assigned to the case and he vows to find the killer. During his investigation everyone who seems to know something is killed.

Crawford's character of Mark Chapman lives in quiet desperation as he watches his crime being investigated by the very person he trained to leave no stone uncovered.

Sam Fuller wrote the story on which this film is based and it really has his name written all over it. The film works on every level and the climax puts you in a tight corner from which there is but only one escape.

The supporting cast includes Donna Reed, Henry O'Neill, Harry Morgan, Rosemary DeCamp, and James Millican. Another highly recommended film noir that TCM aires once in a while.

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