Friday, September 8, 2017


One of my favorite 50's horror films comes to Blu-ray thanks to Shout Factory.

An American reporter (Peter Dyneley)meets a Japanese scientist named Robert Suzuki (Tetsu Nakamura) and before you can blink an eye the scientist has drugged the reporter and injected him with a mysterious serum.

The reporter, Larry Stanford soon changes from a mild mannered man into a raging maniac who kills a few people. He becomes more and more violent and his boss grows concerned. His wife flies in from the USA and is rejected by Stanford in favor of Suzuki's gorgeous assistant, Tara (Teri Zimmern).

Larry soon grows another head and becomes a two headed killer stalking the streets of Tokyo. Now, this is one entertaining and bizarre film.

There are many scenes which I have never forgotten since I first saw this as a child back in the good old days. The opening scene of a gorilla-like killer attacking a group of beautiful Japanese women and the credits roll as the blood splatters everywhere, the scene where Larry's hand changes into a hairy claw and when he discovers he has an eye growing on his shoulder. These are just some of the images in this wonderful little film.

This Japanese/American co-production looks fantastic on Blu-ray and although it has long been available on public domain budget labels, I cannot see any horror fan not having this disc in their collection.

The backstory of the cast would also make an interesting film. Peter Dyneley stars in this film with his wife Jane Hylton, both who died at very early ages. The stunning Teri Zimmern seems to have only made this film and disappeared from the film scene, which is our loss.

Anyway, this is easily a top release for the year and one that comes highly recommended!!

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