Thursday, October 19, 2017


I had never seen this film in it's entirety and now I think my brain is more damaged than it ever was.

David Lynch created a masterpiece here, and it is probably the hardest film I have ever tried to write a few lines about. But, here goes.

The movie is about a man named Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) who lives in a bleak apartment, has a bizarre girlfriend and very soon he and Mary have a child, well if you can call it that.

The baby is a mutant lizard thing that cries constantly. Mary's family is bizarre as well. The mother is paranoid and quiet, her father is a babbling idiot and grandma is a lifeless woman who just sits. The dinner scene where Henry is at their home is something out of a nightmare.

What they serve for dinner is disgusting, and if you haven't seen this film I won't spoil it for you. There is so much bizarre imagery in this film I couldn't begin to tell you all of it.

There has never been a film like this and there will never be another. It is available on DVD from The Criterion Collection, and I can easily recommend this movie. For Halloween time, it would be the most twisted thing you could ever see.

it's easier for you to see the film than for me to explain it all here. That would be an impossible task. Check it out.


  1. I have never seen this but may be one day...

    1. It's bizarre as hell!!!! If you watch it let me know what you think.
