Monday, October 23, 2017


Uhm, what can I say about a film like this?

A barrel of radioactive something or other falls off a truck driven by a careless driver texting instead of paying attention. The barrel releases a green spray that soon has an effect on everything around it.

At the same time three college girls are headed for a secluded cabin for a quiet weekend. However, before you know it, their boyfriends show up and the debauchery begins...until they are attacked by zombie beavers!!.

There are some big comedy moments in this film and some are well done, and others not so well done. The zombie beavers are a hoot by themselves, but when people get bitten by them they also turn into zombie beavers!! I mean they grow big teeth and huge flat tails!! I have not had such a good laugh at the movies in some time.

What helps this film a lot is that the actors play it serious and that always helps. I stayed watching the film thru the entire end credits where a lot of bloopers are located, and if you stick with the film further than that you get a hell of a bizarre lounge theme song entitled "Zombeavers".

The ending of the is a hoot what with the final scene being a virtual repeat of the opening involving two careless truck drivers.

If you haven't seen this film you might want to check it out. There are many thing to recommend including the beavers. the women, the T&A. yep, if you want light Halloween fare that will entertain, check it out.


  1. Yeah, this movie is a great! You should check out Wolf Cop since you enjoyed this so much.
