Friday, December 29, 2017


Bryant Haliday stars in this fun little chiller.

Haliday is The Great Vorelli a ventriloquist with a very unique act involving a dummy he calls Hugo.

Enter an American reporter, Mark English (William Sylvester) assigned to cover Vorelli's performance. He and his girlfriend Marianne (Yvonne Romain) attend one of the shows and Marianne volunteers to be hypnotized.

After the show she begins acting strangely and Mark becomes suspicious of Vorelli and his dummy. One night the dummy visits Mark and asks for help, and thus sets the stage for some incredible things.

Vorelli was once a doctor who had experimented with soul transference and was kicked out of the medical profession. Mark visits a woman in Germany who tells him a bizarre tale about Vorelli's former assistant, Hugo who was murdered on stage by Vorelli in 1947.

It seems that he succeeded in putting Hugo's soul inside the dummy, and now he plans on putting Marianne's soul into another dummy and inheriting her fortune.

When I first saw this film way back in the day it made such an impression on me I never forgot it. the dummy is creepy and to see it walking and acting on it's own is very odd indeed.

The disc has the "continental" version which contains nudity and some other things that the US distributor cut before release. This disc has been out on the market for a few years and if you haven't seen it, you really should.

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