Friday, December 8, 2017


Great Italian crime drama starring Henry Silva.

Silva is Inspector Sterling, a man whose child has been killed by the mob in a drive by shooting gone wrong. His wife leaves him shortly after the funeral and he is framed for the murder of a police informant.

Bebe Loncar is Janet, a mysterious blonde who tries to seduce Sterling and has some valuable information on his set-up. Sterling is laid off of the force and now he must find out who set him up on his own time. The investigation takes him deeper and deeper into a corrupt world of criminals and law enforcement.

Keenan Wynn is Inspector Donald, Sterling's boss who has some secrets of his own. The story moves along at a brisk pace with some very snappy editing. The very opening scene has Sterling being shot as he enters his home and we are shown him falling to the floor inch by inch at certain times in the film.

This is unique in itself, and it sets us up for a bleak final ending hence the title. Silva is ALWAYS good in his films, and his performance here is brilliant.

The print from Sinister is from 16mm and looks very good considering. I would recommend this to Italian crime fans.

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