Sunday, December 31, 2017


An interesting adventure film from the team of Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman.

The first time I saw this was on DVD and I didn't think much of it, but after a few years, and watching it again, I found it to be much better than I originally thought.

A young boy and his mother flee their home and the boys father pursues them. they develop carriage problems and the mother dies in the wreck, but the child is taken by the coach driver.

many years later the child is now a man working in a traveling show. His name is Jason (Keith Michell) and he receives a note about the passing of his father and decides to return to his ancestral home.

He finds it being run by his cousin Thomas (Peter Arne) who is a cruel and sadistic man with no morals and no sense of justice. Thus the story is set for Jason to try and take over and right all of the wrongs being done.

This film has also been incorrectly noted as a Hammer film and that is probably because of the screenplay by Jimmy Sangster and the small role by Peter Cushing.

It's not a bad film, and if you like adventure you'll probably like this. Dark Sky put this on a double bill DVD with "Blood Of The Vampire", another Berman/Baker presentation. The rest of the cast includes Adrienne Corri, Kai Fischer and David Lodge.

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