Tuesday, January 23, 2018


A bizarre film to say the least.

When this was released on Jan. 21, 1983 it was at the end of the 3-D craze of the early 80's. This print is nit in 3-D of course, but you see everything thrown at the screen.

The first 20 minutes of this film involve J.T. Striker (Tony Anthony) going thru many dangerous obstacles to obtain a priceless key. When he retrieves it, it sets up the entire rest of the film.

He gets together a group of adventurers to get some very rare and mystical gems that are currently owned by a deranged religious cult leader. Most people who saw this film were in their teens and remember it fondly. I had never seen this film until the other day, and it was ok, but it just didn't come together.

Most of the effects are ok, but you can really see the wires on a floating key, and while that is no big deal to me anyway, I think the film makers were just getting sloppy. And you really can't or don't care much about the characters, most of which don't make it to the end of the film.

I guess this is ok for a one time viewing, and the film does have it's fans but I have to admit I am not one of them.


  1. That poster looks a lot like the Dreamscape movie poster. So, what are your thoughts on 'YOR- The Hunter from the Future' back from this era?

  2. I actually have a review of this film on Blu-ray coming in the next couple of days. I LOVED Yor!!!

  3. Oh awesome! My copy is still on back order so I will have it soon.
