Wednesday, February 7, 2018


At last. One of my all time favorite films is available on Blu-ray.

When this first came out in 1978, I thought it was a joke until I actually saw the trailer on TV. After that I knew I had to see this movie. Yes, I spent $29.95 for the long gone VHS from Media Home Entertainment and now this Blu-ray has rescued this film from obscurity.

The title pretty much explains the entire movie plot, but there are some classic set pieces in this unsung gem. 2 years before "Airplane" came out, this film was using for great sight gags including a man disguised as a tomato, who while sitting with other tomatoes planning war strategy accidentally asks someone to pass the ketchup.

Yes indeed, I find this film to be hysterical and well thought out in term of comedy. Scenes of tomatoes chasing women in a grocery store parking lot are great and my favorite is where they have killed a produce worker and a customer in a store because that strikes really close to home.

The Blu-ray is packed with tons of extras, many carried over from the first DVD release a few years ago, including interviews with actors involved in the real helicopter crash left in the film. This is a top release of 2018 and I cannot recommend this film enough. Turn your brain off and let the humor drift thru.

I sincerely hope MVD turns out some other sadly neglected gems such as this in the coming months. We shall wait and see. In the meantime enjoy this movie and the riveting theme song "Puberty Love".

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