Thursday, February 15, 2018


Well made Spaghetti western.

Rod Cameron stars as Pat Garrett, who, on his wedding day, must track two killers who have robbed the local bank and headed off to Mexico. The killers, Billy Clanton (Horst Frank) and his brother George (Angel Aranda) hide out in a small Mexican border town, but their victory is short lived.

Garrett finds them and arrests them. All three are also being pursued by gangsters who want the $30,000 in stolen money for themselves, so Garrett decides to return the criminals and the money by crossing the most god forsaken part of a desert.

This, of course makes for some pretty damn good story telling, and everyone in the cast pulls it off very well. Cameron is good in the lead role, but as usual, Horst Frank steals every scene he's in. The print from Sinister is excellent and widescreen.

One small trivia note here...this movie was filmed back to back with Sergio Leone's "A Fistful Of Dollars". This movie was shot with more money and expected to be much bigger than the Leone film. However it wasn't and the Leone film went on to turn the film world upside down and become a HUGE hit.

If you like Spaghetti westerns, I highly recommend this little gem.

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