Sunday, February 4, 2018


A fun and very low budget sci-fi film gets a new life on DVD from Retromedia.

This is still available from many different companies, but Retromedia has a nice looking print and it is included on a DVD with another film called "Frozen Alive", which will be discussed later.

This film concerns an alien coming to Earth that is invisible. After killing two people by accident the alien becomes somewhat of a fugitive and ditches his spacesuit, thus being invisible.

He is pursued by government authorities and scientists. The alien takes shelter in a planetarium and tries to communicate with the earthlings, but since he can only talk in ultrasound, it doesn't work.

The story takes place in one night and it a typical W. Lee Wilder low budget effort. It's fun, a little different and moves along quickly. The cast includes Ted Cooper, Lela Nelson, Rudolph Anders, Noreen Nash and James Seay.

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