Saturday, February 17, 2018


Another great Mexican horror film.

Women are being kidnapped off the streets of Mexico City and the re-appearing as zombified killers. To find out why this is happening the police put two women detectives on the case, but get nowhere.

Santo and The Blue Demon become involved when a female friend of theirs is kidnapped. It seems Dr. Frankenstein, who takes a serum to stay young, is working on brain transplant experiments and needs a constant supply of victims.

The mad doctor targets Santo as his next victim so he can transplant his brain into that of a behemoth named Golem. Yep, this is a fun little film and one well worth seeking out.

There is plenty of wrestling action as well as thrills and chills as only Mexican cinema can bring. The women are all very attractive and serve as great eye candy. The highlight of the film is when our two masked wrestling heroes fight four or five criminals in a free for all while in the apartment of the two female detectives.

Again, this is good fun and if you're a fan of South Of The Border fantastic cinema then check it out.

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