Monday, February 12, 2018


I simply love this film and was glad to see it get a full blown Blu-ray release, but I did get one hell of a surprise.

Bryant Haliday stars as Dr. Paul Steiner who is working on a secret scientific project involving teleportation. His work is constantly hampered by his boss, Dr. Blanchard (Norman Woodland).

It seems Blanchard is being blackmailed by high government officials who want Steiner's project stopped by any means. Steiner is making a lot of headway with the help of Dr. Pat Hill (Mary Peach).

During a test Steiner's equipment fails and he finds his project ending as all funding is cut off by Blanchard. He then tries an experiment on himself with disastrous results. Steiner is tranformed into a mis-shapen electrical monster that kills by touch.

The plot will instantly remind you of "The Fly", but with a much different twist. Halliday exceeds in the lead role, and you can tell he really loves what he's doing.

Now for the surprise I mentioned at the beginning of this review. I have read a few reviews of this film that stated it has never been released in any form here in the US, which is incorrect. I know someone who owns a DVD of the film from some very small company I have never heard of or can even remember. It was also released by Sinister Cinema a couple of years ago.

However, when watching the deleted scenes of this beautiful looking Blu-ray, I got a shock when i realized I had seen all of these scenes before. This Blu-ray is the 77 minute US version. Only after watching this did I know that my Sinister Cinema DVD was the 85 minute UNCUT European version.

I never knew this because the only version I have ever seen is the Sinister one, so I am rather perplexed as to why Shout couldn't get the rights to the European version. However, this disc looks beautiful and I will be keeping both discs. Wow, I learn something new everyday.

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