Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Four bizarre tales from director Freddie Francis.

I reviewed this a couple of years ago when it came out from Olive on regular DVD and this is simply a quick overview for the Blu-ray release.

This omnibus film contains for bizarre tales, each related by a psychiatrist to a friend. The writer was actress Jennifer Jayne under the pseudonym of Jay Fairbank. If anything, this does show she had a great imagination as well as a twisted one.

The first tale concerns a young boy who has an imaginary pet tiger. His parents fight all the time and the tiger grows to hate them, but what can an imaginary tiger do anyway?? The parents find out in a very big way.

The second tale concerns a man who works in an antique shop. He discovers a penny farthing which has the ability to transport him into the past, with tragic results.

The third tale is by far the most bizarre, but it is the one that actually works the best of all four. It's entitled MEL and it stars the luscious Joan Collins as a woman whose husband slowly falls in love with a tree stump!! I know it sounds insane, but you have to see it to understand. Easily one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen in any film.

The fourth and final tale stars Kim Novak in a tale about cannibals. Besides the above mentioned two beauties, this film also stars Donald Pleasence, Jack Hawkins, Suzy Kendall, and the stunning Mary Tamm.

The Blu-ray presentation is excellent as expected. If you haven't seen this movie I suggest you try it and see what you think.

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