Thursday, May 3, 2018


Easily on of the oddest films I have ever seen.

Larry Cohen directed this wonderfully odd film about a New York detective who is investigating a bunch of random killings in which the killers all utter the words "God Told Me To" when asked why they did it.

Tony Lo Bianco is Det. Peter Nicholas, who investigates and finds more than he ever bargained for. If you haven't seen this movie I will try not to spoil too much for you.

The more investigation he does the more he actually discovers about himself as well as a mysterious "God-like" figure. When Nicholas finally meets up with this entity named Bernard Phillips (Richard Lynch), he finally understands what is happening and why he feels so close to the case.

Cohen has never made a bad film, he just makes quirky and bizarre films that nobody else has the guts to touch. Believe it or not, I had never seen this film until I saw it uncut on Showtime a while back.

I am ashamed to admit I let this one slip by, but I have made up for that. If you're familiar with Cohen's body of work, you already know this is a bizarre film.

The rest of the cast includes Deborah Raffin, Sandy Dennis, Andy Kaufman, Sylvia Sydney and Sam Levene. The ending to this film is a mind boggler, but one you'll never forget.

Don't be like me and put off seeing this incredible little film which is full of 1976 New York flavor.

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