Sunday, May 20, 2018


Very prolific actress who entertained my generation has died.

Morison was born on March 19th, 1915 and entered films in 1935. For bizarre movie buffs like myself Morison was a very welcome face and a very alluring woman.

I was first introduced to her in the 1946 Sherlock Holmes film "Dressed To Kill" and from her performance in that film alone, I never forget her. She also starred in such low budget fun as "Queen Of The Amazons" (a personal favorite), as well as "Tarzan & The Huntress".

She also had a classic role in the wonderful film noir gem "Kiss Of Death" but because her character kills herself by putting her head in an oven, the entire scene was cut from the film. Although she is niot in the movie, her name remains in the opening credits.

Her non "fantastic films" roles included such fare as "Kiss Me Kate", "Song Without Sound" and "Sofia" among many, many others. Morison lived a very long and wonderful life. She had a mezzo-soprano singing voice and believe it or not she never married. She died May 20th 2018 from natural causes at the age of 103.

She is gone now, but she has left us a great legacy of films and TV appearances that will live on much longer.

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