Saturday, July 7, 2018


A Vincent Price comedy classic.

I have always loved this film and for many reasons on many levels.

After a great animated opening title sequence featuring The Supremes singing the title song we are introduced to a nitwit spy named Craig Gamble (Frankie Avalon) and his angry girlfriend, an uncredited Deborah Walley. She walks out on him during a cheap lunch, but in walks a super sexy woman named Diane (Susan Hart).

Diane thinks Craig is a playboy millionaire named Todd Armstrong (Dwayne Hickman) and then the fun begins. Diane is actually one of several robots created by a mad doctor named Goldfoot (Vincent Price) who has his creations marry some of the wealthiest men in the world and then take their money.

If memory serves me correctly this is the film in which AIP executive Jim Nicholson first met Susan Hart and he married her shortly afterwards. I can't really blame him for that as Hart was gorgeous and would attract any mans attention.

Anyhow, Price proves he is great at comedy and always has me laughing out loud, especially when he is yelling at his stupid assistant Igor (Jack Mullaney). The women are all beautiful and some of the actresses playing robots include Chine Lee and Deanna Lund. I have a couple of personal favorites in the film and anyone who knows me need not ask which robots.

This is a fun film and has some great bits parts by Annette Funicello and Aron Kincaide as well as Harvey Lembeck as Erik Von Zipper. Fred Clark is also wonderful as Craig's Uncle Donald.

"The Blu-ray presentation is beautiful and I cannot recommend this film enough. It makes for excellent viewing after a long day at work when you might just need to unwind and turn your brain off.

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