Saturday, September 29, 2018


Another excellent film noir from Anthony Mann.

John Ireland stars a Duke Martin, a killer who botches a planned robbery and a policeman is killed. The police arrest a young man named Steve Ryan (Ed Kelly) whose laundry van was used in the hold up.

Ryan tells the police he had nothing to do with the crime, but Martin has seen to it that he is framed. Detective Mickey Ferguson (Hugh Beaumont) is at first convinced that Steve is the killer, but after talking to his sister Rosie (Sheila Ryan) he begins to think differently.

Martin's girlfriend, Clara (Jane Randolph) goes into hiding, but slowly begins to crack under the pressure.

Director Anthony Mann was an expert at handling this kind of film and you can see all of his touches. There are plenty of shady characters and dark streets and a few red herrings as well.

Ireland turns in a top performance as the cruel and cold blooded killer who will stop at nothing to conceal his crime. Hugh beaumont is perfect as the hard as nails detective who softens a bit after he meets Rosie.

Slowly all of the clues start to come together and Ireland's character of Mickey soon finds himself boxed into a corner from which he cannot escape.

If you're a film noir fan, this is a highly recommended movie that will hold your attention. The rest of the cast includes Charles D. Brown, Roy Gordon and Keefe Brasselle.

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