Monday, October 15, 2018


It has been a very long time since I saw this film and I confess I liked it much better this time around.

When Alpha turned this out earlier this year with "Werewolf Woman" it caught my eye, but I didn't pick it up until a couple of weeks ago. The quality isn't as good as it could be and sometimes you can't understand the dialogue, however it is well worth checking out.

This tale is about a young man who is released from an asylum and returns to his family home where his aunt and her three daughters live. At first all seems well, but you get the distinct idea that there is something going on in his twisted mind. Renaud Verley does a good job in the lead role as John, the young man.

He has actually returned to the estate to get revenge on all four of the women for locking him away and taking away his inheritance. Slowly but surely he makes his plans. Before too long he has all three of his aunt's sisters strung up naked like the animals in the slaughterhouse in which he works.

The film will always be best known as the last film of director Claudio Guerin who, on the last day of filming either jumped or fell to his death from the bell tower featured in the film. The rest of the cast includes Viveca Lindfors as Aunt Marta, Maribel Martin, Nuria Gimeno and Christina Von Blanc as the three sisters.

Not too bad of a film for the Halloween season.

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