Friday, October 19, 2018


One of the greatest pro wrestlers in history has died.

Slater's long career in the wrestling business began in 1968 in Tampa, Florida.

During his long career Slater wrestled for the NWA, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, Mid-South Wrestling, WWF and All Japan Pro Wrestling. He had some classic brawls with such stars as Dusty Rhodes and Jake Roberts.

When Slater was in Mid South he created legitimate heat when he took a beautiful black female he saw dancing in a club and made her his Valet. Her name was Lynda Newton AKA Dark Journey, and the fans in the South thought this was out of line.

Slater had a serious problem with pain killers and had a few run ins with the law. However, as far as the wrestling business goes, Slater had few equals. He died at the age of 67 on Oct. 18th, 2018.

Another nail in my childhood coffin.

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