Tuesday, November 13, 2018


In 2006 Universal turned out a set of five classic sci-fi films in a collection called "Sci-Fi Ultimate Collection" and it was a Best Buy exclusive for a long time.

I have owned this set for 12 years (my how time flies) and I have just noticed that several films from that set have never been written about on this blog. How did I manage to miss these?

Arthur Franz stars as a college professor who thru a freak accident cuts his hand on the tooth of a prehistoric fish called a Coelacanth, which has been shipped to him but also treated with gamma rays for transportation.

Prof. Don Blake (Franz) changes into the beast several times and goes on a killing spree. The police believe Blake is the target of a mad killer and try to protect him, but slowly, Blake realizes the truth.

This is a pretty good little film directed by Jack Arnold. Of course this is a favorite from childhood as I first saw this on Q-6 Creature Features in Spokane, Washington.

It's not really as famous as some of the other Universal thrillers, but it is effective. The rest of the cast includes Joanna Moore, Judson Pratt, Whit Bissell, Nancy Walters, Troy Donahue and Phil Harvey. Mandatory viewing for 50's horror fans.

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