Tuesday, November 20, 2018


This is such a fabulous film, and VERY underrated.

This filmed in Vale, Colorado thriller stars Britt Ekland as a sexy young wife named Michelle Partay who is married to a very wealthy man named Roland.

Roland (Eric Braeden) is a ruthless businessman who takes over every business he can buy and destroys many lives in the process. This is best explained in a tense board room scene in which Roland gives a rival, whom he is destroying, a chance to opt out by playing Russian Roulette!

But believe me that isn't the half of it. A young man, Tom Moore (Michael Blodgett) goes to great lengths to meets Michelle and she warns him to stay away from her. One very cold morning he arrives at her secluded home and before he can leave Roland comes in and flat out tells him that he is going to kill him.

Tom leaves the house on skis but is pursued by Roland in his helicopter. Roland manages to kill Tom is a very unique and gruesome way before returning home and attacking his wife. This is one of the most demented scenes I have ever seen. Some time later Roland invites another man to his house and then attempts another murder.

Braeden is in top form as a maniacal madman who kills anyone who gets in his way or who even talks to his wife. I had never heard of this film and I don't see why it isn't better known. There are some incredible scenes and some great skiing stunts.

Ekland is always a total pleasure to watch and here she is as lovely as ever. The rest of the cast includes Barry Brown, John Davis Chandler and Paul Feliz. If you enjoy crime dramas and suspense films, I heartily recommend this gem. The IMDB states the running time is 110 minutes, but in reality it's 85 minutes.

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