Monday, December 31, 2018


Well we have come to the end of another year.

Time passes quickly, especially the older you get. Having just turned 56 on Dec. 27th I can tell you the years pass by faster and faster.

This year has been a tumultuous one on every level in American society, and I expect it to get worse sadly. However, the DVD and Blu-ray releases were very good and it looks like 2019 will be another great year for that.

I wanted to thank everyone who commented or sent me emails this year. I do this blog simply because I love movies of all kinds and when I work on it, it takes me away from all the insanity of the "real world".

Thanks to everyone for reading and hopefully enjoying this. See you next year!!


  1. Happy New Year sir! I am a decade behind you and a saying I saw a couple of years ago explains time perfect for me now, "The days are long and the years are fast".

    1. That saying is so true. Time passes quickly and that is why I try and enjoy my passion for movies as much as I can. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you as well my friend.
