Monday, December 31, 2018


Donna has been gone for about 6 1/2 years now. She died of cancer at the age of 63.

From the first time I heard her in 1974 I knew she was going to be a favorite of mine. I liked everything she sang from 1974 to 1989.

The lovely Donna was called the "Queen Of Disco" and that is a title she rightfully owned, but her voice was wonderful no matter what she was singing.

I bought all of her 45's and albums and tried to catch all of her performances on TV shows. Of all the artists I liked during my formative music years from 1968 to 1989 Donna was ALWAYS the favorite after she hit the spotlight. My friends and family just couldn't understand my infatuation with her, but damn, I would have sold my grandmother into slavery to get a date with Donna.

The gorgeous Donna Summer would be 70 today. When I listen to her music today it's hard for me to believe that she is gone. A beautiful woman, a talented singer and composer and just a damn nice person.

Donna Summer may be gone, but all of her wonderful music is still going strong and she will always be my "Queen Of Music". I will undoubtedly listen to some of her music today such as "I Feel Love", "On The Radio", "Heaven Knows", "Dim All The Lights" and of course, "Hot Stuff".

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