Monday, January 28, 2019


Wow, what a film!

This is also known as "The Incredible Paris Incident", but I like the original title much better.

Made during the "Batman" craze of the 60's, this film fits right in. Roger Browne is Sir Reginald Hoover who also dons a yellow spandex suit and a mask to become Argoman. He has incredible powers and can use his mind to make people obey his will as well as make objects move on their own.

Argoman finds himself pitted against a beautiful woman named Regina Sullivan aka Jenabell (gorgeous Dominique Boschero) who wants to be "Queen Of The World" by taking it over.

This film is as cool as "Superargo", "Judex" and "Diabolik". All of these films feature a superhero trying to save the world while living in houses that contain everything a person could want and being surrounded by beautiful women.

The action isn't as quick as the above mentioned films, but it does have it's share of fantastic fights, car chases and gunplay. Again, this is a film that is nothing but fun and better than anything turned out in recent years by Marvel.

The print is a beautiful one in widescreen and dubbed in English. If you so desire, check it out. You won't be disappointed.

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