Saturday, January 26, 2019


A great and little known exploitation film I hadn't seen in years.

I had forgotten about this little gem which I hadn't seen since the old VHS tape trading days of the 80's.

Three young people, Ted Branch (Ron Segal), Audie (an uncredited actor whose name can be found nowhere) and Jean Rollins (Julie Ange) are traveling thru a small southern town when they are arrested by drunken deputies for speeding.

They are taken to see the sheriff named Sonny Lew (William Watters). The three are further abused by the sheriff who punches and slaps them around and then shakes them down to the tune of 150.00 in fines. He lets them go, but has his two drunken deputies follow them.

These three prove to be not so smart as they stop in a bar for a drink and are soon arrested again on morals charges. All are arrested again and thrown in jail. The Sheriff beats up Audie simply because he's black and then tries to get a young woman whio is half black to seduce him into signing a confession.

Nothing works so the sheriff leaves a trap that Ted and Audie fall for and are killed. He then rapes Jean and has the trial set for the next morning. Jean in convicted and sentenced to 90 days at a prison farm run by a fat, white slave owner who controls a chain gang made up of only black men.

Jean finally manages to escape with the help of a man named Tom who is chained to her. The end comes swiftly to Sheriff Sonny and his crew.

This is a very bizarre film which would make a great companion piece to "Poor Pretty Eddie". Never have I watched a court scene in a film and been so entertained and shocked in my life. This scene alone is worth the price of the disc. The "Judge" is a hoot. The kangaroo style court is made up of nothing but white trash and relatives of the Sheriff. Jean's attorney never says a word in her defense and the jury is made up of one man and two empty chairs!!

Julie Ange is a very, very beautiful woman and Arlene Farber as Nellie is also a standout. They just don't make women like these two anymore. If you get a chance to see this film, please do. You won't soon forget it.

Order In The Court!!

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