Friday, January 25, 2019


One of the oddest films I have seen in a while.

This French oddity is not for everyone and after watching it, I am still not sure what I saw.

Daniel Emilfork stars as Herbert Von Krantz, a scientist who has invented a device that will neutralize and form of atomic bomb. Of course this doesn't sit well with other governments, especially after the scientist locks himself away from the world along with his daughter and assistant.

His daughter Sylvaine (Marie-France Boyer) is kidnapped by a group of spies called "The Bald Heads", questioned and then released. Yvan (Marcel Imhoff) is kidnapped and eventually killed by the Russians.

The movie is in black and white and shot with a lot of odd angles like it was trying to be an art film mixed with some sci-fi, horror and spy film elements thrown in.

The ending has everyone failing to get the blueprints to the invention after it has been destroyed. I hope my explanation of this film is ok, because it really is bizarre. I was surprised to see Howard Vernon in this film. His role of an assassin is one of the best parts of the film.

I liked the film, but probably not as much as I thought I would. If you want to see something different try it. The print is a beautiful one and subtitled in English.

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