Thursday, January 17, 2019


One of my favorite films that I have reviewed here before.

I have owned a bootleg I made from an old VHS tape for years and was unaware that this film had been released to disc from CBS. It has been out for a couple of years and it flew right under my radar.

One of the last films from Dan Curtis and it ranks right up there with all of his other masterworks. As in the first film there are three tales of terror.

All three star Lysette Anthony and she does an excellent job. In the first tale entitled "The Graveyard Rats" a young wife of a cruel business executive plots his murder with her lover.

After the murder and funeral the young lovers discover that a watch buried with the body contains microfilm with codes to many swiss bank accounts containing millions of dollars.

They go back to the cemetery to dig the body up. When they arrive they find the caretaker already digging up the body. They kill him and get an even bigger surprise when they find the watch.

This tale is full of twists and turns and some damn good and scary moments.

The second tale is called "Bobby". A woman uses black magic to call her dead son back and try to mend ways, but she gets way more than she bargained for when she discovers that it isn't Bobby who comes back. A very well made tale that Curtis also did for his 1977 anthology film "Dead Of Night".

The final tale is "He Who Kills" and it picks up right where the 1975 tale about the living Zuni Fetish Doll left off. This time the doll is taken to an Anthropologist by the police to discover what it may have to do with the case. It comes back to life and murder and horror ensue. Easily the best story in the film.

I can't say enough good things about this film. It's a masterpiece and any horror fan should check this out. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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