Saturday, March 16, 2019


Not too bad of a B western.

A US Marshall who has been unable to cope with several stagecoach holdups is in need of help.

The Government send in Johnny Carpenter (Johnny Carpenter) to see what he can do. John hires his two friends, Bob Benson (Clarke Stevens) and his sister Bess (Alyn Lockwood) and the work begins.

John discovers that a man named Rance (Kenne Duncan) is trying to keep a gold mine all to himself and his gang. Why you ask? Because they have a huge stash of stolen gold inside the mine they have robbed from various coaches.

John, Bob and Bess do their best to uncover the scheme and put Rance behind bars.

This is a pretty good little film running only 56 minutes which means it has to keep things moving at a very fast pace. If you like B westerns this is an excellent way to kill an hour on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

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