Wednesday, March 6, 2019


This is the first silent film I have viewed in quite a while.

Based on the classic tale by Robert Louis Stevenson, this gem made 100 years ago still fascinates.

John Barrymore stars a Henry Jekyll, a noted scientist who has been experimenting with bringing out the evil side of the human condition. He is pushed to his limit when a friend takes him to a shady side of town and he falls for a dancer.

Barrymore is excellent and the make-up and transformation scenes are still great even in this day and age. Martha Mansfield is Millicent Carewe, the woman who loves Jekyll and who slowly loses him to his dark side.

Nita Naldi is Miss Gina, the dancer whom Jekyll falls for. The character of Edward Hyde (also Barrymore) is an ugly and evil creature that lives for violence and murder.

There have been many, many versions of this tale and some are better than others, but this is the gold standard for all versions. I know there are many who wouldn't care to sit thru a silent film, but if you haven't I would recommend you start with this one. It's excellent!!

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