Monday, March 11, 2019


I really like this little film.

This print from Image is the best quality you'll find on DVD and it's also in beautiful wide screen as it should be.

A mysterious spool found in an ancient digging turns out to be a message from some strange race of people. Scientits from around the world try to decipher it.

Eventually they discover that the spool is from Venus and that it is a warning of an impending attack. Earth decides to find out why the attack never took place and a crew of international astronauts head to Venus.

On Venus they discover that the race of beings has all but destroyed themselves with atomic power. Only their shadows on the walls as they were killed is all that remains. The rest of the planet is very eerie and several of the astronauts are attacked by a living black substance that resembles oil.

This is based on Stanislaw Lem's first published works, but the pro communist elements are mostly played down in the film. The version presented here is, of course, the US version and Image gives us the movie in the proper aspect ratio and it never has looked better.

This is available on various labels, but this is the best version. I would recommend this for any sci-fi fan.

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