Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Fun little 50's JD film.

Yvonne Lime stars as Joyce Martin, a young woman in high school that is forced to join a dangerous gang of females called "The Hellcats".

The group is run by Connie Harris (Jana Lund) and she forces Joyce into a robbery and other illegal activities as well as destroying some people's lives.

One night at a wild party Connie is pushed down the stairs and killed and the group makes everyone swear to silence. The new leader of the group is a demented young woman named Dolly (Susanne Sidney) who doesn't like Joyce anyway and plots to kill her.

A young man, Mike Landers (Brett Halsey) is in love wit Joyce and tries to get her out of the Hellcats. Everything comes to a head when Dolly attempts to kill Joyce and it's revealed that she killed Connie out of jealousy.

Edward Bernds directed this classic little JD film that holds your attention well. The rest of the cast includes Heather Ames, Nancy Kilgas and Don Shelton as a very over protective father.

This AIP production is a good effort and well worth a look.

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