Tuesday, September 10, 2019


A southern made regional film with a most interesting background.

Made in 1978 in Little Rock, Arkansas, this movie is about a meteor falling into a lake and bringing to life a dead man who was dumped there by the Mafia after a killing.

The corpse rises and kills the two men who executed him and then returns to it's watery grave. That is until two college students and their girlfriends discover the meteor and it fragments and bring them to the college for a professor named Bartholomew (George Gobel) to examine.

The walking dead man then rises and seeks to get his main life source back, and will stop at nothing to obtain it.

I actually enjoyed this film. The local scenery and accents make it far more believable. The movie was directed by Harry Thomason before he and his wife Linda made it big with "Designing Women". They are also good friends of the most celebrated criminals in the history of the USA, Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Besides Gobel, the rest of the cast is made up of unknowns who do an alright job in the acting department. The movie does manage to hold your attention as once it starts in never seems to slow down, which is a good thing.

I haven't read too many good things about this movie, but I would recommend you give it a once over if you can find it. It is rare today to find the DVD.

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