Friday, September 13, 2019


It has been 9 years since I saw this film. I did an entry in this blog about it then, but I figured it was time for a new perspective.

Roger Corman directed this little gem about a gangster named Joe Sante (Steve Cochran) and his rapid rise and fall in the crime world.

Sante doesn't have a lot of friends of course, but he is attracted to a beautiful young woman named Teresa Porter played by the always gorgeous Lita Milan and he tries to keep her away from his life of crime.

Before too long Joe is second man in a huge gangster operation that makes him much money. He and his friend Frankie Udino (Robert Strauss) rise to number one and number 2 men in the syndicate and enjoy the good life.

Sante's parents played by Celia Lovsky, and John Mylong disapprove of the way he makes a living, but Sante continues anyway. After a lot of killings, double crosses and other sordid crimes, Joe finds himself a hunted man and also finds out that his friends are not as loyal as they appear.

This movie offers nothing new in the genre, but it is a great little film from ther Corman empire that should be seen by every Corman fan. The rest of the cast includes the beautiful Lily St. Cyr, Yvette Vickers, Robert Shayne, Frank Gerstle, and Grant Withers.

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