Saturday, October 12, 2019


It's been 9 years since I last wrote about this movie on the blog, and it's been the same length of time since I actually saw this movie.

Well, I figured I'd visit this again since my roommate bought this disc at a dollar store, which is probably where it belongs. Debbie Gibson stars as Emma MacNeil, a scientist who witnesses a giant Megalodon and a giant squid escape their icy prison with some melting polar icebergs.

The two monsters go their separate ways as the octopus heads for Tokyo and the Megalodon preys on the pacific ocean. After thousands of deaths around the world from these monsters, the governments of Japan and the US decide that these monsters must be destroyed at all costs.

The scientists devise a way to get the beasts to come together and hopefully kill each other in an epic battle. Yes, this is a very simple plot and it's ok as far as monster movies of the 21st century go.

There are some bizarre and unforgettable scenes in this film including the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge by the shark who is angry and decides to have some lunch. This scene is done very quickly and you don't get to see much, however the greatest scene in the film is where the shark jumps out of the ocean and actually takes down a jet airliner!!

I have to admit even my suspension of disbelief was stretched to the max on this scene. I do find the movie fun, and that is what counts I guess. My roommate kept thinking it would be better if Godzilla would show up and take care of everything. She might be right.

For mindless entertainment, this movie will fill the bill very nicely and it was good to re-visit this after so many years.

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