Sunday, October 13, 2019


I have seen this movie sitting in many, many stores I have been in, but I have never bothered to pick it up and watch it.

My roommate (yes indeed, she feeds my habit) picked this up and brought it home so I figured I'd give it a shot. Patrick Bergin stars as Blay, a man who is slowly pulled into a hunt for an aquatic monster living in Loch Ness.

Lysette Anthony also stars as Elizabeth a former lover of Blay's that accompanies him on his quest. The plot is pretty straight forward and offers nothing new to the genre.

The actors do what they can and there are several huge plot holes that are never closed and the monster is a cheap looking special effect, but believe it or not there are some parts of this movie that are fun.

I always enjoy seeing Lysette Anthony and found her to be the best thing about the film, but she does seem a little out of place. I admit also that when watching the movie I wasn't even aware that the actual story had ended until the closing credits came on the screen.

The ending is that abrupt and bizarre. I can think of better ways to kill time, but if you have nothing better to do have at it.

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