Thursday, October 24, 2019


A great example of how 70's drive in films were made and why I love them so much.

Several friends go to upstate New York to watch a boat being built and to just relax for a weekend. Instead of finding a relaxing time, they are stalked and killed one by one by a masked killer.

The mask the killer wears is pretty bizarre in and of itself and there are plenty of red herrings as the film unfolds. There are many great scenes in this gem and two that stand out are the bar scene early in the film where a character named Nicky (Chris Allport) who is a flamboyant gay man gets into a fight with several red necks and ends up kicking their asses.

The other is towards the end of the film when the mad killer has one of the beautiful women tied to a table saw, but can't get the power to turn on from his basement position, so he leaves her tied to it. Later when the hero, Mac (David Gale) looks for her and other victims, he accidentally turns on the power...and you can guess what happens next.

It's a cheaply shot film which only makes it better and it just has that wonderful late 70's feel to it thanks makes it a winner in my book. The rest of the cast includes Marilyn Hamlin, William Sanderson and Yancy Butler.

If you get a chance, check it out. It's available on numerous PD sets.

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