Saturday, November 16, 2019


Shark week continues with a rather bizarre entry.

I am fully convinced that the SYFY network was created to destroy the horror genre, or at least give it a bad name.

Misty Talley directed this film about bull sharks infiltrating the freshwater system and raising havoc in Arkansas. The sharks invade a small town's fireworks festival and that is where the most fun begins in this film.

The special effects are typical of this kind of movie from other words they suck. The leading actress is Allisyn Ashley Arm and she plays her role so low key you'd think she was on something to calm her nerves.

I can't really say too much more about this film without becoming redundant but suffice to say if you feel the need to see every shark movie that SYFY has produced, then you'll want to see this one...otherwise you may be wise to pass on it.

If you have 87 minutes and you don't care what you do with the time then check it out.

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